As I sit nd write da lyrics
of my life on da invisible
lines of this page,
I can’t help but close my eyes,
exhale, let my hands glide and
release upon you da passion of
my rage...
Freedom of my soul’s torment is
for me somethin not easily achieved,
da choking affects of despair, making
it tht much harder to breath,
tht much easier to turn, walk away
nd pretend I’m fine, but knowing
tht inside, I’m far frm ok...
Some might say mine are the cries
of one who’s will is diminished, not
strong enough to cope
but if they step into my shoes nd
walked a mile down my path, will
they be able to withstand the tightness
of tht leather???
Will they be able to silence da
deafening screams tht make
sleep something alien, unknown
will they be able to fight back da
tears tht flow like torrential rains,
tears shed for da lost of da only love
they’ve ever known
tears of fear, scared of forever being alone,
tears of not belonging, never again knowing
a happy home, tears of going through life
unnoticed, unloved, type of sorrow and fearful
tears tht reach da very marrow of
your fragile bones...
Call it wht u may, say of it wht u will,
but there are some of us tht live in
da hell I’ve just described here
every single waking day of our lives
In the da hard shoes i wear.